Grand musique Management
Artist Career

We partnered with Grand Musique Management to build Emile, the virtual artist career assistant. 

A new artist experience.
Seamless from production to distribution.
  • music_1
Improved value from music catalogues.
  • gmm logo
01 / context
A 360° virtual artist
career assistant.
The alternative to majors.

GMM offers an eco-system of services built around the music artist.

No tool on the market adressed their needs. Integrating existing tools together would have been costly and ineffective.

Key features needed to
disrupt the music
Unified catalogues

Gather all music assets for each artist, ensuring an optimized service from production to promotion. 

Promotion & distribution

Streamline the whole process and focus on creative strategy and differentiation, not industralization. 

Monetization & rights

Manage complex rights issues and all cash entries from your arists’ career from the same interface. 

Real-time scoring

Make timely career moves for your artists, by being the first to detect hype and future opportunities.

03/ Platform
A new music industry.
Built with Plasma.
04 / Specific capabilities
Game-changing Capabilities.
05 / outcomes
Artist-centric career management.
Fan base Engagement

Our strategic career management propels artists to achieve global recognition, fostering enthusiastic fan engagement and propelling careers to new heights.

Royalty Management

Our comprehensive approach ensures artists maximize revenue streams and effectively manage royalties, allowing them to focus on creating music while enjoying financial success.

Seamless Communication

Production, Commercial and PR Partners are always up-to-date with the latest artist information and insights.