Smart Grid

Ze-energy uses Plasma to operate hybrid energy plants with real-time insights and dynamic pricing.

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Informed decisions
Sharper and faster decision-making.
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Hybrid plants
Hybrid plants powered by IOT and data.
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Real-time insights
Production and pricing matched with forecasts.
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01 / context
Optimizing energy production in real time.
How to balance the natural intermittence of energy supplies.

Ze Energy develops, builds and operates hybrid power plants with energy storage.

Storage eases the connection of photovoltaic power plants to the electricity grid, making electricity available when consumers need it.

Key inputs needed to operate hybrid plants.
Meteorologic forecasts

Connecting to major weather forecast operators to anticipate the right energy production volumes. 

Dynamic market pricing

Anticipating pricing fluctuations, and adjusting the energy rates in real-time along with market pricing.

Ongoing energy production

Balancing energy production intensity according to meterologic forecasts and market pricing. 

Battery management

Storing energy while optimizing batteries’ capacity and lifetime, in the most efficient and timely way.

03/ Platform
Data-driven energy production.
Built with Plasma.
04 / Capabilities
Enabling the future of energy.
05/ Outcomes
Scalable hybrid energy production.
Scalable hybrid energy production.

By leveraging advanced grid technologies, we achieve unmatched stability and reliability, ensuring uninterrupted power supply for communities, businesses, and industries, even in the face of adverse condition

New energy integration

Our commitment to seamless renewable energy integration drives sustainability and reduces carbon emissions, as we transition towards a cleaner, greener energy future.

Consumer empowerment

We empower consumers with real-time insights and control over their energy usage, fostering efficiency and sustainability while putting the power of choice back in their hands.