AI Fleet Management

Akiem partnered with Plasma to create a unified data platform, allowing to optimize trains allocation.

  • Image
    fret trains
Real-time insights
Visibility and alerts
  • train maintenance
Improved operations
Streamlined fleet management
  • fleet monitoring
Fleet mapping
Global activity overseeing
  • akiem logo
Optimizing trains allocation at scale.
Real-time monitoring and informed decisions.

Plasma changes the way Akiem, as an operational fleet manager, optimizes its fleet allocation, ensuring seamless operations and maximum efficiency on a very large scale.

How to operate rail fleets in real-time:
Real-time observability

Tracking location and status of fleet assets in real-time is essential for ensuring efficiency and timely decision-making.

Normalized data sets

Standardized and consistent data is crucial for analysis, reporting, and decision-making, leading to improved efficiency and cost management.

Insights exploration

Effective exploration and use of data-driven insights are key to optimizing fleet operations and maintenance strategies.

Platform scalability

Scaling fleet management to growing volumes and evolving operational needs is vital for long-term success.

03/ Platform
AI-driven fleet management.
Built with Plasma.

Through Platform Design workshops, we define your platform’s core needs and specific capabilties.

04/ Capabilities
Fleet operating platform.
05/ Outcomes
Fleet management, transformed with data.
Resource Allocation

Our fleet management platform ensures the optimal allocation of resources, minimizing costs, and maximizing operational efficiency for fleet operators.


Safety and Compliance

Plasma enhances safety by predicting maintenance needs and ensuring compliance with regulations, creating a secure and reliable fleet environment.


AI-powered decision-making

We empower fleet operators with data-driven and automated decisions, providing insights that lead to smarter, more efficient, and more profitable operations."